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Moderation Trial
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
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And that means what, Sam. Is that something i should laugh at, or are you being insulting?
CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsamuelrichardscott
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Quoting Prof. Kingsfield:
From where I sit Sam, it looks to me like you came to profiler with a chip on your shoulder.

Nope. After my first couple of posts I started to receive rude PM's from you telling me how you helped write the rules and therefor had better clue than anyone else apart from Ken. This was after I asked a couple of questions to which all the other members helped massively, whilst you tried to 'haze and initiate' me. I have seen you do this to other members openly.

And you seem to want to believe the worst, in at least myself, I don't know why, nor do i really care, I however, if you ever decide to take a different tact, I don't hold grudges, no time, no energy, grudges are wasteful things. Your choice, any time.

I go by what I see. You can be very helpful. Shame that when you are, you are usually condescending and arrogant at the same time, never accepting of others opinions and always holding yourself on a pedestal. You seem to think that people who used to use Spot (or 'spotters' as you so hilariously call us) are incapable of having a good idea and whenever a point is raised it's always the 'you're just pissed because spot closed down' routine.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsamuelrichardscott
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Quoting Prof. Kingsfield:
And that means what, Sam. Is that something i should laugh at, or are you being insulting?

Quoting Prof. Kingsfield:
Simply put exactly what was said in context of the rest of the post.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorTheMadMartian
Alien with an attitude
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Quoting Addicted2DVD:
Quoting VibroCount:
Quoting Addicted2DVD:
Well... I don't know the situation... but the only thing I could possibly think of is...

Was this back when the red arrows effected your stars? (now all they do is let mods know of the posts)...

No, I lost my star after the red stars were to call moderators. I never saw a star other than green ones.

I did not call the poster a name. I called the poster's behavior unjust. I stand by that. If you make racist statements, I will state that I believe you've made racist statements and that your behavior is inappropriate. The day after I did this, I lost my star.

I don't know then. 

I do know that stars disappear over time.  James, as an example, was a 4-star user at one time.  As you can see, because he hasn't posted as much as he used to, he is now a 1-star user.  While I don't know it that is the case here, and it was just odd timing, it is another possibility.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorJimmy S
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Quoting samuelrichardscott:

Sam are you always forced to be that agressive? Skip gave you an answer without any insult and very polite (even one without one of his typical typo). Your game is quite boring and to be honest you are as responsible of the bad climate here that he is.

I don't say I agree or not with what he told you in his answer since that's not the point, but if you can't stop your kiddie game when he tried to act well why would he tried again if it changes nothing from your sides?
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantVibroCount
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I've never had a post with many green arrows. I can recall getting only two red arrows, for two separate posts where I called someone's post offensive. Both were from different posters.

I've never had fewer than 9 posts with green arrows listed, right now I'm at 17.

Many of these green arrows are given one or two for a lolcat I've posted. There was a time (long ago) when I was the only person here using lolcats, before there was a thread devoted to them. I would use them to find humor in threads where humor was lacking, and tempers ran high. I don't often add much to rules discussions, although I believed I've helped in scan submission discussions, bringing my professional experience to the information.

It's sad that by being appropriate is met with what I see as punishment.

I try to have a thick skin, but I'm only human. Other than two posters who have made racist statements and a couple who have mental health issues (whom I've blocked rather than attempt to overlook their trolling), I've tried to remain civil, polite, friendly. But I'm guessing in today's world (on this forum anyway) that matters not.
If it wasn't for bad taste, I wouldn't have no taste at all.

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsamuelrichardscott
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Quoting AESP_pres:
Your game is quite boring and to be honest you are as responsible of the bad climate here that he is.

Wouldn't it be nice if the moderation worked then? Yes, I have argued with Skip a lot, but 99% of the time in retaliation. I have even stated that I know I have been the cause of some of the problem. However, I am sure if Skip wasn't here, none of my posts would have been how they have been. I think you'll find that in threads where Skip has not been involved (and I have not been baited) I have been civil. Am I responsible for my own actions? Hell yes. Should I have had a ban by now? Absolutely. All it takes is for Ken to grow a pair of balls and the site will have a much nicer atmosphere. If I was Ken, I would've given myself a ban. Am I proud of how I have acted? Not really but I'll stick up for myself (and my friends) instead of sitting aside, quietly, expecting things to just go away.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorKathy
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Whether you are discussing your love of music or sharing your life experiences, your posts are ones I look forward to reading. If anyone is deserving of many stars, it is you.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorJimmy S
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But it change nothing, so why continue? We all know that Ken won't do anything against Skip, you, me or anyone else. I know perfectly that you are able to be civil, since I'm a member at your board.

Maybe it's time to pass at something else and show who are the most mature

edit : Kathy post while I was typing. It's a response of the last post of Sam
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributorsamuelrichardscott
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Quoting AESP_pres:
I know perfectly that you are able to be civil, since I'm a member at your board.

Maybe it's time to pass at something else and show who are the most mature

Yeah, but I have a temper problem.   

Seriously though, my last post in the matter, and last post arguing with Skip in this manner. If I do it again, you PM me and I promise I won't post for 3 days.

Then I'll continue to vent my anger elsewhere and prove that I am not the problem.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
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I look forward to a different tone from you and No I don't want to see you not post for three days. I just want to able to have fun with you and everyone else. No need to lose your temper. If you were here...but you're not, so buy yourself a pint on me. If you ever come here or I come over there, I'll buy you one for real.
CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorhal9g
Who is John Galt?
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Quoting m.cellophane:
Quoting Kathy:
Ken might not moderate the forums the way some would like. But, he has not made the forums toxic, that can only be done by those who are doing the posting.

Invelos shares complicity in the creation of a hostile environment by allowing a public attack on a vote to stand unedited and unpunished when they previously said they would not tolerate it.

I think it's known as "the boy who cried wolf"!
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorCharlieM
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I really don't understand the issues most of you have.

I have been in many forum posts and discussions with many members in these forums.  Aside from the abrasive attitude of some users, I have never actually had a real problem with any of you.

I have a tendency to ignore some of the more baiting and arrogant remarks, and try to stay focused on the issues.  I have called skip on a couple of issues that I have had with him, and that is as far as any have ever gone.

I did a lot of reading before i contributed, and got to understand a lot of people.  While Skip can be abrasive and abrupt, I found out along time ago, that is the way skip is.  And the only thing any of you do is feed into it.

Everybody needs to get over themselves.  There are a lot of personalities on here tat conflict, and we need to realize  that.

Now I will tell you, I did not agree with Skip on his posting concerning James.  I am sure that James is a big boy and can defend himself, if necessary.  Skip and James have been going at this back and forth for a long time, and for the most part still can talk.  They just get by the unpleasantness.

But for the other people that got involved with that conversation, shame on you.  James could have chosen to respond or not, and ended it right there.

So please, tell me who looks for trouble.  As I said, skip can rub the wrong way, but Sam, I think you have seen enough to know whats going on, without continuously feeling like the victim, when your not.

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
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Quoting CharlieM:
I really don't understand the issues most of you have.

I have been in many forum posts and discussions with many members in these forums.  Aside from the abrasive attitude of some users, I have never actually had a real problem with any of you.

I have a tendency to ignore some of the more baiting and arrogant remarks, and try to stay focused on the issues.  I have called skip on a couple of issues that I have had with him, and that is as far as any have ever gone.

I did a lot of reading before i contributed, and got to understand a lot of people.  While Skip can be abrasive and abrupt, I found out along time ago, that is the way skip is.  And the only thing any of you do is feed into it.

Everybody needs to get over themselves.  There are a lot of personalities on here tat conflict, and we need to realize  that.

Now I will tell you, I did not agree with Skip on his posting concerning James.  I am sure that James is a big boy and can defend himself, if necessary.  Skip and James have been going at this back and forth for a long time, and for the most part still can talk.  They just get by the unpleasantness.

But for the other people that got involved with that conversation, shame on you.  James could have chosen to respond or not, and ended it right there.

So please, tell me who looks for trouble.  As I said, skip can rub the wrong way, but Sam, I think you have seen enough to know whats going on, without continuously feeling like the victim, when your not.


Charlie big time.
CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
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Quoting hal9g:
Quoting m.cellophane:
Quoting Kathy:
Ken might not moderate the forums the way some would like. But, he has not made the forums toxic, that can only be done by those who are doing the posting.

Invelos shares complicity in the creation of a hostile environment by allowing a public attack on a vote to stand unedited and unpunished when they previously said they would not tolerate it.

I think it's known as "the boy who cried wolf"!

Herein lies part of the problem, it makes little difference how reasonable I try to be, there is always a sniper waiting to try and score HIS point.

You touched on it Charlie, when you talked about users weighing in, when they should perhaps just stayed out of it. You used the example with James, i used the example  with Kathy where a user took offense on her behalf and THEN she spoke up for herself. Will i ever know whether Kathy was actually offended or simply acting because someone else spoke up, probably not. And this observation is no way meant as an attack on kathy, I have no reason to, but the user who defended Kathy as I recall had stretch pretty far to create the impression of insult and thus i suspect that without his interference it is not likely that kathy would have inferred insult where absolutely none existed or was inferred in her direction, thus an innocuous  perhaps aggressive comment got turned completely inside out by others.
CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantKinky Cyborg
Five across the eyes.
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Quoting Prof. Kingsfield:
Quoting CharlieM:
I really don't understand the issues most of you have.

I have been in many forum posts and discussions with many members in these forums.  Aside from the abrasive attitude of some users, I have never actually had a real problem with any of you.

I have a tendency to ignore some of the more baiting and arrogant remarks, and try to stay focused on the issues.  I have called skip on a couple of issues that I have had with him, and that is as far as any have ever gone.

I did a lot of reading before i contributed, and got to understand a lot of people.  While Skip can be abrasive and abrupt, I found out along time ago, that is the way skip is.  And the only thing any of you do is feed into it.

Everybody needs to get over themselves.  There are a lot of personalities on here tat conflict, and we need to realize  that.

Now I will tell you, I did not agree with Skip on his posting concerning James.  I am sure that James is a big boy and can defend himself, if necessary.  Skip and James have been going at this back and forth for a long time, and for the most part still can talk.  They just get by the unpleasantness.

But for the other people that got involved with that conversation, shame on you.  James could have chosen to respond or not, and ended it right there.

So please, tell me who looks for trouble.  As I said, skip can rub the wrong way, but Sam, I think you have seen enough to know whats going on, without continuously feeling like the victim, when your not.


Charlie big time.

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back Skip. If one were patient enough to sift through the thousands of forum posts here and gathered up all the disputes of note we would find you smack dab in the middle of almost every one of them which should tell you something.  We had our own go around a few weeks back in the Technical forum where you abruptly stopped making replies as you also did with the private messages you were sending me. You are an instigator of the worst kind and I called you out on it when you jumped on a new user making his first ever forum post just because it was a question that had been asked before. Interesting to note that he never posted another message again after your ignorant reply.

I've seen in some of your posts where you speak as if you are speaking on Ken's behalf... like you are some sort of extension of him.

Just because a user posts something that is an affront to you, don't arbitrarily suppose that it is an affront to Ken too. Just because you have a common link in both being programmers does not mean you share one mind with a prescribed response for everything. Let Ken his own talking, should he so choose...

Again, my comments were not based on that specific incident, but were in broad general terms about the way you conduct yourself in the forums. Quite frankly you are arrogant and I think you like to listen to yourself talk. The sheer quantity of forum posts you have made would certainly suggest that. But don't take my word for it... ask some of the many others whom you have traded jibes with.

For every user who comes to your defense there are 10 others who will vilify you for the abrasive, condescending tone in which you address people. I post quite rarely to these forums in the years that I have been here but your constant snarky comments and elitist attitude compelled me to weigh in. It's an old cliched saying but if you feel tempted to respond to a post and you don't have something good to say then...... stick your hands in your pockets.

"Man who goes through airport turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok."


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